big issues for business in the Independence debate I think we can agree that any "Scottish Business" voice would need to include representation from businesses involved in this trade to have any credibility.
This is why I'm amazed that "Business for Scotland" gets any airtime at all. As I show in painful detail in this post, the identified Members of Business for Scotland can be fairly summarised as;
- 30 "business professionals"
- 28 people who have Small Company directorships; businesses with no declared turnover or employee figures. These are predominantly consultancies, property companies and service companies; I can't identify any material trading links with rUK and none can be considered major employers
- 6 People who have or have had larger scale business experience
- A one-time retail entrepreneur who's only material company directorship now is of a Scottish co-ed school
- The founder of a £5.6m turnover domestic Scottish property preservation company (with no declared employee figures)
- The founder of an £8.7m voice and data solutions company focused on the domestic Scottish market (with no declared employee figures)
- A Director of a £6.6m turnover software business that employs 75 staff but has only £443k turnover in the UK (including Scotland)
- The founder of an (exclusively Scottish) property development company with a turnover of £47m and 233 employees
- The founder of an (exclusively Scottish) care home group with £22.1m turnover and 879 employees
That the directors of Business for Scotland include a former SNP MSP and someone who stood (unsuccessfully) as an SNP local council candidate is probably not relevant.
That their spokespeople have had so much TV and Radio airtime is - quite frankly - mind boggling.
I became involved in the Independence Referendum debate when I realised that a Yes vote would make it harder for the businesses I'm involved with to continue to thrive whilst remaining based in Scotland. The full background is explained in my
Bona Fides post and in my detailed post on
Scotland's Trade with rUK where I reluctantly conclude: "
The businesses I am involved with are already making contingency plans for the case of a Yes vote. Our heads tell us that we would need to relocate our stock-holding and warehousing outside Scotland to protect our businesses under that scenario"
We are not unusual businesses; current best available estimates are that
37% of jobs in Scotland depend on links to the rest of the UK1. It's unsurprising therefore that I see many businesses with the same concerns; some speak out, more are afraid to for fear of backlash and recriminations.
But there is a body that claims to speak for Scottish Business in this debate:
Business for Scotland. They are registered with the Electoral Commission as a Yes Campaigning Body and get a surprising amount of airtime.
I must confess I was intrigued by these guys; their
website comes across as rather rampantly nationalist in tone and their articles and spokespeople seem singularly unimpressive. I'm genuinely curious to understand what sort of business people are in favour of independence. I've covered most of the arguments I've heard in this blog and whilst there are emotional and political "Yes" arguments that I can understand (without agreeing with) I haven't seen any rational economic or business arguments for independence. I wondered:
are any of these businesses material contributors to the estimated 962,0001 Scottish Jobs that depend on links to the rest of the UK?
So Who - Exactly - Are Business for Scotland?
Well the first thing I did was ask them. Actually the first thing I did was read some of the content in their website; this got me annoyed, so I 'engaged' with their MD Michelle Thomson on Twitter (Twitter biog: "Property Investor, Musician, Maverick"). Let me share some highlights (I'd give links but she appears to have deleted these Tweets);
Of course she has not responded "off Twitter". It was clear I'd get nowhere asking directly so I went and did my own digging. If you've followed my blog you'll know I'm willing to put in the effort to seek out primary data.
I went through
every one of the 64 named individuals on the
member profiles section of their website and cross-checked to ensure I included all of the Directors of Business for Scotland Limited. I used Creditsafe, Google, Linked-In and Companies House to identify all of their current UK Company directorships. In some cases they don't even name the companies that they are involved with in their profiles; I was able to track them down without too much difficulty and am pretty confident I found all of them. Having identified all of the current UK directorships held by these BfS members I then checked Companies House filed accounts and looked for the most recent declared turnover and number of employees. For those who aren't aware: a company does not have to declare it's turnover or employee numbers if it qualifies as a Small Company
[I have no interest in using this blog to embarrass individuals or to 'expose' company links if they choose not to explicitly declare them. If anybody (including reputable journalists or indeed BfS themselves) would like to see the background work I would be happy to share.]
I want to be very clear about this:
I am not questioning the right of any of these individuals to have a view on the Independence Referendum or to speak out . I am merely seeking to answer the questions that the Business for Scotland MD seems so reluctant to address;
- Roughly how many Scottish Employees are represented by their members?
- Do they represent any businesses involved in Trade with rUK?
The BfS website states:
Our members are business professionals, owners, directors and entrepreneurs from all over Scotland, some have small businesses, some fairly large ones
I was unable to find *any* Limited Company Directorships for 30 of the Featured Members
I guess these are the 'business professionals' referred to; basically people who have (or have had) jobs. Again let me be clear; I am not disparaging the professional credentials of any of these people; I'm just trying to assess the extent to which they are representative of Scottish Business; I list them all below with links to their profiles and extracted quotes so you can form your own view (where companies are referred to I have searched for them and they do not appear to be registered limited companies).
John Cooke:
extensive background in public policy, public affairs and communications
Adam Davidson:
owns a BoConcept franchise
Alex Grant:
recently retired, formally Chief Operations Officer for the airline bmi
Rachel Holmes:
a lecturer in taxation, accountancy and finance at Edinburgh Napier University
See her car-crash select committee performance here (44-47 mins and 1:01 are particularly cringe-inducing)
David Hood:
Professional market (sic) and speaker
Sheila McLean:
a Programme Management Office specialist working with clients on a contract basis
Ken McNeil:
principal of McNeil Stevens Financial Planning
Helen MacDonough:
owns a boutique hair salon
Jill Murphy:
founding partner at ThinRedLine Design a marketing and branding company
Michelle Rodger:
founder Tartan Cat Communications
Andrew Richardson:
accountancy practice in Elgin
Susan Robertson:
writer, editor and partner in a communication consultancy
Dr Willie Wilson:
runs a small chain of community pharmacies
A few that fall into this category (no current company directorships that I can find) were slightly less straightforward
Chris Chirnside:
works in Merchant Services ... also runs business networking events with his company 6 Degrees Networking. All I could find was a Singapore registered LLP called "6 Degrees Networking"; its not clear if this may be the company referred to.
Andy Lamb:
Business Development Director with ECCS Group. This would appear to be two "East Coast Construction Services Ltd" Companies (SC192098, SC105462). Andy is not a Registered Director of either of them and both are small companies with no declared turnover or employee numbers
Dave McGrath:
Managing Director at Richard Irvin Sustainable Energy Limited. Dave is not a Registered Director of Richard Irvin Sustainable Energy Limited (SC396527), a business which is described as "one of the north east Scotland’s leading building services contractors operating across Scotland"
Douglas Norris:
leads an Ayrshire based SME employing some 80 people in Scotland. This would appear to be a company called
Datec Technologies Limited (SC199369) which is a subsidiary of IL International LLC a US business. Douglas is not a Registered Director.
Ben Rogers:
Digital Lead at GFI Software. GFI Software Limited (4126587) is a company registered in Middlesex. Ben is not a Registered Director
Thomas Scott:
UK public speaking champion [...] alongside his father and his uncle, Thomas set up Communication Consultants to not only train but also develop and provide mentoring to their clients. Thomas's LinkedIn Profile described him as "Scottish Director at Communication Consultants"; I was able to find two registered companies: Communication Consultants Ltd (06562502) and Communication Consultants (UK) Ltd (03009748) registered in London and Lowestoft respectively. Thomas is not a Registered Director of either of them.
27 members: Directors of small Companies with no declared turnover or employee numbers2
Again let me clear: there's nothing wrong with small companies, their voice is important in this debate. I'm merely trying to get a handle on the
nature of the businesses represented. I list them all below so you can decide for yourselves. Wording in
italics is taken verbatim from their published profiles.
The companies listed are all of the active directorships I have been able to find;
all are below the medium company size threshold that would require disclosure of turnover or employee numbers. I have excluded non-trading and dissolved companies.
Bruce Alexander: Roslin-based SME dedicated to the development of novel control methods for insect-related problems - Xeroshild Ltd (SC286434)
Kenny Anderson:
Construction and property entrepreneur - Anderson construction (aberdeen) Ltd (SC148028), Anderson Buchan Properties Ltd (SC212818)
Richard Arkless: LED Warehouse Ltd (SC451237) - founded 05/12, no accounts filed
Frances Barron: The Handmade Cheesecake Company Ltd (SC458241), Burns Country Larder Ltd (SC428967), The Dessert Depot Ltd (SC238553)
Ian Blackford: pretends to be semi-retired from a high profile investment banking career, but he is actually an active non-exec director of a number of companies - First Seer Ltd (SC243805), Commsworld Holdings Ltd (SC190987) (See Ricky Nicol Entry below)
Ron Dickinson: Ron Dickinson Associates Ltd (SC408405) - business consultancy
Fraser Duff:
ground engineering and environmental consultancy - Terrenus Group Ltd (SC372563)
David Dwyer:
low-cost websites to businesses - Inspire IT Services Ltd (SC346614)
Eric Flannigan: Flannigan Consulting Ltd (SC478037) - founded 05/14, no accounts filed
Paul Fletcher:
marketeer and senior management consultant - Enabling Innovation Ltd (SC467138), Kelvin Consulting Ltd (SC462301)
Martin Jack:
runs an event management company - Think Different Events Ltd (SC366035)
Joe Lafferty:
Leadership & Team Coach - Lifetree (Scotland) Ltd (SC266149), Dundee Contemporary Arts Ltd (SC175926)
Paula Livingstone;
Owner and founder of Rustyice Solutions and Apogee Internet - Apogee Internet Ltd (SC414097) is Non Trading; Rustyice Solutions Ltd (SC396764) is in Dissolution; only actively trading company Paula is a Director of is The Irvine Valley Regeneration Partnership (SC196845)
Andy Lythgoe:
formed his own consultancy in 2005 - Lythgoe Property Consultancy Limited (SC295175), Craig Health Economics Consultancy Ltd (SC364446), Ancaster Court Ltd (SC173743)
Donald MacLean:
Scottish utility consultancy - Business Cost Consultants Ltd (SC294893)
Jamie Rae:
Entrepreneur Jamie Rae is founder of award-winning international recycling business REDEEM plc. Jamie exited REDEEM in Jan 2011 and currently has four active small company directorships: Hair by Andersons ltd (SC478097), Go Rental Property ltd (SC445426), Nugensis ltd (SC389487) - an IT consultancy, Spirit Aid Limited (SC214111) - a charity.
Gary H Sutherland:
founder and Managing Director of two Glasgow based businesses; EmployEasily HR Services Limited, an Employment Law & HR Consultancy, and Glasgow Business Hub Limited, providers of modern, flexible meeting room spaces for hire - Employeasily HR Services Ltd (SC352618), Business Boost (Scotland) Ltd (SC471120), Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd (SC126241), Glasgow Business Hub Ltd (SC422285)
Peter Syme:
runs a small group of adventure travel and activity companies; three located in Scotland, one in Morocco and one in Spain. Peter has three active directorships; Liquid Life events ltd (SC269499), Perthshire Paintball ltd (SC268606), Splash White Water Rafting llp (SO302468) - across all of these the only declared figure is £300k turnover for Splash White Water Rafting, no employee figures are declared
Iain Taylor:
has run ‘e-corporate’ which aims to provide legal services for the 21st century. E-Corporate Ltd (SC304621) is non-Trading; Iain is a Director of one Trading company Kircaldy Analytics Ltd (SC462702)
Malcolm Wadia: Plysim Ltd (SC412936) - engineering consultancy
Gerry Wallace:
Managing Director - GEM Lift Services Ltd (SC109290) - a Scottish regional business
Sara Jane Walls:
an entrepreneur running two Glasgow businesses - The Yoga & Pilates Place Ltd (SC470684), The Residence Glasgow Ltd (SC402766)
One of the BfS members in this category deserves special mention
David Morrison:
... for the last 20 years has managed a group of companies specialising in commercial property development and investment. [...] David has always seen Scottish independence as a long overdue correction of three hundred years of exploitation by a Westminster government and has always been enraged at the supercilious, lying nonsense of successive governments, be they Conservative or Labour, that we are “too poor, too wee and too stupid” to be able to handle our own destiny. [...] being a hard nosed businessman, he knows the signs of a dying business and GB plc is certainly that. Any sound businessman will tell you that if a part of a group is in terminal decline, disassociate yourself from it and concentrate on the profitable part; so it is with Scotland. - David is a Director of the following Small Companies: Maybeg ltd (SC470882), Begford ltd (SC470880), Broxburn Properties ltd (SC199377), Tayforth llp (SC303710), Kinburn (123) llp (SC302287), Sangobeg Developments ltd (SC156804), Tayforth Property Developments ltd (SC154787),
Sangobeg Investments ltd. (SC126408). He is also a director of 12 other dissolved companies.
Also in this category are some of
the Directors of Business for Scotland Limited itself
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp:
Gordon has worked for major blue chip companies in sales and marketing roles - aside from Business for Scotland Ltd, he has one current directorship, Intelligise Ltd (SC365240) - "management consulting activities" with net assets of £898. The other two companies he is a director of are both dissolved - Creative Learning Action ltd (SC210189), Icosmart ltd (SC212158)).
Gordon was a (failed) SNP local council candidate for Hyndland; nothing wrong with that, but he doesn't mention it on his profile. Gordon appears to be Business for Scotland's main "go to guy" on economic issues.
Ian McDougall:
managing director of McDougall Johnstone, a corporate finance and accounting firm. Aside from Business for Scotland Ltd, he has one current directorship, McDougall Johnstone ltd (SC333890) - below audit threshold size and <£41k net assets.
Michelle Thomson:
23 years of working in the financial services sector, before starting her own business in building up a portfolio of buy to let and corporate rental properties accessible through her her trading company: Your Property Shop. We have already seen from our Twitter exchanges that as MD of Business for Scotland Michelle is not a great fan of answering direct questions. Aside from Business for Scotland Ltd, Michelle has one active directorship: Your Property Shop Ltd (SC451292) - founded 05/13 and yet to file any accounts. She is also a Director of Edinburgh Global Property Investments ltd (SC342421) which ceased trading in 2011 and was dissolved in 2013; the balance sheet suggests this business never traded materially. She is also a Director of Michelle R Thomson Consulting ltd (SC377063) which is non-trading.
Ivan Paul McKee:
International businessman Ivan has worked in manufacturing for 30 years, mostly for large corporate organisations, until 8 years ago when he launched his own manufacturing consultancy and turnaround company. Ivan holds two directorships in companies registered in Scotland: EISM Properties ltd (SC464456) - incorporated 11/13, no accounts filed, Keyshift ltd (SC286042) - management consultancy activities, exempt from audit with no declared turnover or employee figures. Ivan is also a Director of 3 companies registered in England:
- Excel Assemblies ltd (8388168) and it's subsidiary Excel (Electronic) Assemblies ltd (7046739) in Manchester - incorporated 02/13, no accounts filed
- Greenfold Systems ltd (7765371) - registered in Manchester but apparently based in Dunfermline. Exempt from audit, no declared turnover or employee numbers. As recently reported in the Herald "The company developed out of the remnants of the former Simclar manufacturing business expects to create 65 jobs after winning £400,000 official support. Greenfold Systems was awarded Regional Selective Assistance by Scottish Enterprise in the latest round of the funding scheme. The agency made the award after assessing ambitious expansion plans drawn up by Dunfermline-based Greenfold following a successful first 18 months in business"
Again: the only Registered Directorships I have been able to find for any these BfS Members above are companies that do not exceed the Small Business threshold and the preponderance of consultancies, property companies and service companies you've never heard of leads me to conclude that none are involved in material goods trade with rUK and I doubt any would be involved in the employment of any of the estimated 962,000 Scottish jobs linked to trade with rUK.
7 members: Directors of Limited Companies greater than Small Company size.
Ken Cairnduff:
[founded] Internacionale and Au Naturale which by the time he sold it in 2006 had more than 150 stores and 2,500 employees. Following this he invested in commercial property development with mixed success. Ken has two active directorships of trading companies; Kelvinside Academy War Memorial Trust (SC011734) - a co-educational day school with £5.5m turnover and 84 employees. He is also a director of Cairnduff Developments ltd (below thresholed to declare turnover or employee numbers). In addition he is a director of
- Four Companies in Administration: Cairnduff Developments Holdings ltd (SC392740), Cairnduff Developments Ayr ltd (SC333945), Cairnduff Developments Longbenton ltd (SC310145), Cairnduff Development Forfar ltd (SC309715)
- Three Companies in Liquidation: Razzle Dazzle ltd (SC414405), Townhouse Retail ltd (SC371544), Fun for 2 ltd (SC299265)
- One Company with Accounts Too Old: Razzle Dazzle (Scotland) ltd (NF003244)
Leslie Andrew Meikle:
founder of the largest property preservation company of its type in Scotland. Wise Property Care (SC168153) appears to serve Scotland exclusively (
see website) - it has a turnover of £5.6m but is exempt from audit and does not declare any employee figures. Aside from his Directorship of Business for Scotland Ltd, he holds one other small company Directorship: The Property Care Association (5596488) which is also exempt from audit.
Ricky Nicol:
CEO and founder of Scotland’s largest indigenous telecoms company, Commsworld. Ricky is a one of 7 Directors of Commsworld Holdings ltd (SC190987) and subisdiaries Commsworld Ltd (SC150343) and Fluency Commuications Ltd (SC390685). Commsworld is "engaged in the sale, installation and project management of complete voice and data solutions for the business community" and reports an £8.7m turnover ... but qualifies as a Small Company so must employ less than 50 people. The website states "Headquartered in Edinburgh, and with offices in Glasgow and Aberdeen" so would appear to focus on the domestic Scottish market; staff salaries are reported in the accounts at £332k so I'm guessing 10 - 15 staff outside of the Directors?
David Cairns:
David is executive chairman of a growing £8m turnover software company, now headquartered in Stirling since he relocated it from Newcastle. David Cairns of Finavon holds directorships of ScotlandIS (SC209844) - the Trade Body for Scotland's ICT Industry and PrismTech Group Ltd (SC338033) and its subsidiary Prismtech Ltd (2664365). Prsimtech's latest reported turnover was actually £6.6m, down from £7.6m the previous year; the "growing £8m turnover" quoted in David's profile is presumably more recent figures not yet filed at Companies House. Prismtech employs 75 Staff. So this is exciting: have we found a BfS member involved in a business with a material number of employees that might trade with rUK! No, we haven't; as you can see below the total UK (inc Scotland) turnover of Prismtech is £442k

Since I published this post Keith Steele the CEO of Prismtech (and a committed NO voter) has been in touch. He would like it to be known that David’s and his views are their own and do not represent those of the business. He also confirms that my assumption about published revenue numbers is correct and the business is once again enjoying healthy growth with revenues well above £9m to be reported in their next published accounts
Sandy Adam. Alexander William Adam is founder and major shareholder of Springfield Properties Plc, a £47m turnover business with 233 employees. As is clear from their accounts, they are an exclusively Scottish property developer who work closely with Housing Associations providing Social Housing

Tony Banks:
...self-made millionaire businessman ... the epithet ‘one of Scotland’s top entrepreneurs’ does not sit comfortably on his shoulders. “The truth is there are no airs and graces about me,” he says. Anthony Roiall Banks is founder and owner of
Balhousie Care Group - Scotland's largest privately owned provider of care in nursing homes, residential care homes and advanced specialist care centres. Balhousie Holdings Ltd has a turnover of £22.1m and 879 employees.
In addition to the four subsidiaries which are consolidated into Balhousie Holdings Ltd, Tony holds five other Directorships of trading companies, all below the threshold requiring declaration of turnover or employee numbers: Arb Properties Scotland llp (SC303301), Clepington Road llp (SC303253), Tic (Angus) ltd (SC266895), Milnbank ltd (SC257927), The Entrepreneurial Exchange ltd (SC160976).
Since I first published this post I was directed to Tony Banks' book "Storming the Falklands: My War and After". The extract below (page 153 of the e-book version) I include without comment:
There's One Director of Business for Scotland Ltd Left, not featured as a Member Profile
Jim Mather: Jim is a Director of Business for Scotland but does not appear in the member profiles and appears to have no other company directorships. To quote his Wikipedia entry he is:
"a Scottish politician, former Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism and until the 2011 election, the Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Argyll and Bute. He is credited with making the economic case for Scottish Independence, having taken the argument to the media, boardrooms and committee rooms across Scotland between 2001 and 2007".
So there you go.
To summarise the Business for Scotland Members
- 30 "business professionals"
- 28 people who have Small Company directorships; businesses with no declared turnover or employee figures. These are predominantly consultancies, property companies and service companies; I can't identify any material trading links with rUK and none can be considered major employers
- 6 People who have or have had larger scale business experience
- A one-time retail entrepreneur who's only material company directorship now is of a Scottish co-ed school
- The founder of a £5.6m turnover domestic Scottish property preservation company (with no declared employee figures)
- The founder of an £8.7m voice and data solutions company focused on the domestic Scottish market (with no declared employee figures)
- A Director of a £6.6m turnover software business that employs 75 staff but has only £443k turnover in the UK (including Scotland)
- The founder of an (exclusively Scottish) property development company with a turnover of £47m and 233 employees
- The founder of an (exclusively Scottish) care home group with £22.1m turnover and 879 employees
I've detailed my bona fides on this blog. I do not consider my business interests to be particularly special and it's only fair that I apply the same test to me (it will save others some work -- I know how tedious this research can be); My current active Directorships are;
- M8 Group Limited (SC242849) and its subsidiaries Ltd (SC197870), Greenfngers Trading Ltd (SC231986): Turnover £15.2m, 72 employees. I have shared elsewhere that 90% of that turnover is to rUK.
- Endura Ltd (SC128821): Turnover £17.9m, 88 employees. Sales to rUK are an extremely significant proportion of that turnover
I think I have shown in this post that even the two businesses I am involved in are larger contributors to the trade and employment in Scotland that is dependent on rUK trading links than the entirety of the declared BfS membership. As will become apparent in the debate soon; there are
a lot of businesses that share the same perspective as I do: a No vote will protect employment in Scotland by ensuring our
seamless trading links with rUK are maintained.
If you want to know more about why I believe that, please read >
Independence & Scotland's Trade with rUK
In contrast to the rather skewed perspective offered by Business for Scotland, there is now an organisation called
Working for Scotland; they adopt a "No" stance and have compiled a list of testimonials from a broader and rather more representative cross-section of Scottish Businesses, Business People and Trade Unions >
What Scottish Businesses Think About Independence (and yes, I've added my voice to that list). I've done a quick check and
even excluding the banks the businesses quoted there employ over 20,000 people in Scotland and - of course - are involved in significant rUK trade.
Furthermore the Federation of Small Businesses has
published a detailed survey of almost 1,800 small Scottish Businesses in which they observe (note the question was not directly asked):
- "In the comments section of this question, 134 members volunteered that they would consider or would definitely be relocating their business outside of an independent Scotland, while a further 51 stated that they would look to close, downsize, sell, or retire early. This totals 185 respondents (10%) who would consider withdrawing their business from the Scottish economy"
Bibby Financial Services (
presaging a Report due to be published in August) have said
- "Over a quarter (26 per cent) of Scottish small and medium-sized businesses fear they will lose business if there is a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum and some 70 per cent have rejected the idea that independence would be a positive step for the nation."
You be the judge: it strikes me that the two sources above offer a rather more meaningful insight into the views of Scottish Businesses (and the impact on Scottish jobs) than "Business for Scotland"
1. Professor Brian Ashcroft recently published analysis which estimates that 962,000 Scottish jobs depend on links to the rest of the UK (Scottish Jobs and the UK) . ONS stats show total Scottish employment (public and private sector) in March 2014 of 2.6m (ONS stats). So we can say 37% of jobs in Scotland depend on links to the rest of the UK.
2. To qualify as a small company a per the Company Act a group of companies must meet at least two of the following conditions
- Aggregate turnover must be £6.5 million net (or £7.8 million gross) or less
- The aggregate balance sheet total must be £3.26 million net (or £3.9 million gross) or less
- The aggregate average number of employees must be 50 or fewer
3. Business for Scotland "Members" with no Company Directorships